OXI Group inaugurates the new screen printing department

The new Oxi Group plant in now ready and we are proud to inaugurate the new screen-printing department. The section has been equipped with automatic three-quarter lines, one automatic line and a latest generation Flatbad UV led digital printer.

The climate system is regulated with a technological control that guarantees constant temperature and humidity all year round as well as a high degree of air filtration to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, the floor has been made with antistatic resins.

We worked to eliminate all those elements that in some way can affect the performances of a screen-printing process as:

  • Dust and pollution
  • Room temperature swings
  • High humidity
  • Electronics discharge
  • Unequipped warehouses to store properly inks and resins


The new department is the result of over 40 years of experiences that our company has gained in the industrial screen-printing market field. The ability to create the ideal environment in which to produce, gives us the guarantee of being able to face the challenges that the most technological markets are imposing today, such as printable electronics technology.

We are aware that is common to think that printing a capacitive sensor / a circuit of a keyboard / a graphic front on which you need to get a perfect transparent area to suit a display, can be processed in traditional screen-printing departments.


Instead, in order to obtain guarantees of absolute quality and, above all, repeatability in supplies, it not enough taking care about machinery and the production processes, but also a suitable environment that guarantees the maximum performances.

We look forward to sharing with our customers our efforts to continue offering more and more reliable and high quality products.


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